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FormHelp component + Source Code (Site license) latest

FormHelp component + Source Code (Site license) latest

FormHelp component + Source Code (Site license) Publisher's Description

The FormHelp component adds the context-sensitive help features to your Delphi/BCB forms without any bulky help files. It traps the context-sensitive help calls and creates its own popup windows from a control's hint. You can choose whether to interpret the hint string as plain text or as kind of rich text allowing you to apply different fonts colors, styles and line breaks. Don't worry about your hints ¿ FormHelp uses the secondary part of a control's hint that is separated by a vertical bar "|". Mouse hints still works as well. With FormHelp, neither help context numbers nor extra help files are required to display context sensitive help. FormHelp's popup windows looks and feels like native context help in standard Windows applications. For easement of context-help developing, component contains a WYSIWYG help designer (drop FormHelp onto your form and try to edit secondary part of Hint property of any visible control like TButton, TCheckBox or TGroupBox) and may have an additional button on form's title bar.

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